Cacheonix is an Open Source caching solution for Java. Cacheonix helps companies achieve reliability, scalability and performance of their enterprise applications by distributing cached data across a cluster of servers connected by a high-speed network and converting the per-node memory into a large cache of the shared address space.
Apache JCS is a distributed caching system written in java.
Cacheonix is fully supported. Whether you are evaluating Cacheonix or already a Cacheonix customer, Cacheonix offers a full range of support options including public support forum, e-mail and phone support. Cacheonix is developed professionally by Cacheonix team.
Development of Apache JCS has slowed down over time. The last release of Apache JCS was over two years ago. Apache JCS is supported through Apache Commons mailing list. A dedicated mailing list for Apache JCS has been closed recently.
Cacheonix provides reliable coherent distributed cache. Cacheonix ensures data consistency and availability by building on top of a custom, reliable, replicated, high-performance clustering protocol. Cacheonix guarantees strict data consistency and cache coherence. With Cacheonix, it is impossible to observe stale data after a key was added, updated or removed, even as servers fail or join a cluster.
Apache JCS uses rudimentary cache node detection and provides basic data distribution. Apache JCS doesn't provide any data consistency or reliability guarantees. Application using Apache JCS may experience data inconsistencies and data loss.
Cacheonix integrates with Hibernate, MyBatis and iBatis. Cacheonix integration with ORM frameworks works both for distributed deployments in a custer and single-JVM applications. Cacheonix integration with MyBatis offers developers advanced features such as per-select caching and cache invalidation based solely on time.
Apache JCS provides a plugin for Hibernate.
To see Cacheonix in action, download Cacheonix or check out code examples.